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viernes, 3 de enero de 2020

Mozart, Don Giovanni. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY_bQpmEBc0. Bellini & Batti

I am here to dine with you.

You invited me,

and I have come.

I'd never have believed it.

Leporello, have another

serving brought at once.

Master, we're all dying of fear.

I need no earthly nourishment

for I dine on celestial food.

I have nor returned to feast.

A much graver purpose called me

down to earth.

My limbs are shaking

as though I had a fever.

What do you want?

listen I do not have much time

Spèak we're listening.

I aceepted your invitation to supper.

Now, in return, you must accept mine

Answer me

will you come to dine with me?

Tell him you don't have the time.

No man shall ever call me

a coward.


I have already decided

you will come, then?

Say no!

My heart is stalwart

I'm not afraid

I shall come.

Give me your hand in pledge

what deadly cold

Repent. Change your life

this is your last chance

I'll never repent. Let me go.

Repent. Villain.

No you doddering old fooll


Your hour of doom has come

What are these strange

terrible, shapes approaching me?

What are these hellish

visions that fill me with


What torture. What madnness.

What hell. What terror.



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